Monday, September 14, 2009

Military child doing good. Thanks American Soldier Network!

Every now and then you get a little note, call, email or message that hits home and makes you realize that no matter how big the mountain is to climb you are on the right path and the climb is so worth the effort. I received one of those letters this weekend and wanted to share. Out of the mouths of babes is so powerful. This young girl, daughter of an Army soldier gets it and in a big way. Now if more adults could get it like she does our country would be the beacon of light we used to be!

As our American Soldier Network grows we can reach out and help raise awareness for more groups who are doing right by our veterans! Your support goes a long way so keep on spreading the word and helping us to make a DIFFERENCE!

Here  was my email:

Hi Annie,

My name is Kenzie Hall. I am 11 years old and started a non profit called Brat Pack 11 for military kids when my dad left for Afghanistan. I read all about your foundation and I think it is amazing! I pasted a letter from me that tells about who we are. I am having a website built and planning my first charity event to support military kids of deployed or fallen servicemen and servicewomen. The first family we are helping is the Cpt Yllescas family. Cpt Yllescas was deployed with my dad in Afghanistan but didn't make it back. You can read more about them in their blog and in my letter below.

I am having a brochure made and attached a rough draft and a phot of me my sister and dad the day he came home.

Thank you Annie!

Kenzie Hall


Blogg by founder Annie Nelson

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